Channel: 溫度日記 Hearty Journal
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妻子Yuko透過簡訊說了句“我想回家”之後便再無音訊,被思念和悲痛折磨了3年的高松先生(Yasuo Takamatsu)決定學習潛水,找回被311東日本大地震帶走的妻子。

Man takes up diving in bid to find wife's body three years after she went missing in Japan tsunami 4

2011年3月11號,日本有觀測紀錄以來規模第六大地震突然襲來,繼而引發震後海嘯,死傷慘重,東北部份城市遭受毀滅性破壞。儘管趕到女川當地醫 院後已經被告知自己的太太與當時在銀行的其他職員全被海嘯吞噬,但高松先生並不打算就此放棄,因為太太在最後時刻告訴過他自己很想回家。...

Man takes up diving in bid to find wife's body three years after she went missing in Japan tsunami 3


Man takes up diving in bid to find wife's body three years after she went missing in Japan tsunami 9

Man takes up diving in bid to find wife's body three years after she went missing in Japan tsunami 1Man takes up diving in bid to find wife's body three years after she went missing in Japan tsunami 6Man takes up diving in bid to find wife's body three years after she went missing in Japan tsunami 7Man takes up diving in bid to find wife's body three years after she went missing in Japan tsunami 8


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